
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sing a Rainbow

Its a blustery grey November day.... warm enough that what ever is kicking up over the Great Lake of Michigan its going to be wet and not snow... But something wicked this way comes!
There isn't really anything to look at now. We finally had a few nights that brought in early morning frost and the leaves rapidly were shed with the next slight breeze. Piles of them line the streets of Holland waiting to be cleared away. Another thing I am so not use too. They are not bagged. They are just raked and piled out on to the street and wait there clogging up the roads till the crews get to them. Shhhh... Don't tell the citizen in Calgary Alberta that. They might want that contracted out for them too! 
Looking out my window waiting for the rain I got thinking about the lack of rainbows here. Or at least that I'm not seeing them where I live.  I look over all the flower beds that just a month ago still have colour. Its easy to forget the beauty we were blessed with when its all dormant. I'm back to working on the planting plan and deciding what needs to be moved or more added and where. So I started looking through the photos. I decided that maybe I would do a revision of what colours are offered here at Frog Hollow through out the summer. Instead of month by month though I have decided to break it down and sing you a rainbow. 
I hope your eyes and heart enjoy the feast of colour I have for you.

This is straight out in front of the main entrance and so I love a lot of colour and contrast here.
This bed is actually on the other side of the walk way bed and separated even by the grassy sward.
Softer pastel colours are up closer to the house. The bright brilliant colours a bit further away as a treat for the eye.
looking at the cleaned up beds right now you might not realize the riot of colour that will again explode next spring. The colours in this bed constantly changing. My beds start out pretty monochromatic. Blues, purples and white.
Just some of the sixty Lily's that were planted last fall.
I know that one of the things I didn't like is that the green all seems to be the same.. I have different flower shapes and sizes and colours.. The leaves are different textures and shapes, forms. Yet I'm afraid if I printed this out in black and white.... would there be a contrast or would it all blur together..
close up showing the growing Monkshood which would of added a glossier darker leaf to the mix 
Okay... maybe I should just relax.. I'm liking what I'm seeing here.
I did go a bit mad cutting back at one point though because the vegetation was choking out this rose It was suppose to be the center feature of the bed. It did grow spectacularly by the end of the summer and hopefully will put on a much greater show and have a stronger presence in this bed next summer.
So this is the start of a set of features called... Sing me a rainbow.. do you remember the child's song.. lets see if you do... what colour will I be featuring next?

Have a great weekend in what ever way you spend it.


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