
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Autumns coat of many colours

My flowers are still holding on....despite mother natures ice storms and the first frost of the year. Each morning I walk around and drink in the beauty of this garden. Feeling the blessings that have come into my life and giving thanks to God. I am pushing out all negativity in my life and working at walking with an attitude of gratitude and being positive in all aspects of my day. 
I can not do anything strenuous at the moment due to the continuing concussion and a pinched nerve in my right hip!....But I'm thankful that I put in a LOT of hours literally the day before the accident!
I can not spread the 20 yards of mulch that is sitting in my drive way waiting.....But I'm thankful that I was able to buy the mulch and that it will sit there waiting until I can spread it!
In all aspects that I might want to take a negative thought process, I find myself looking for the positive spin to it.... Believe me this is not always easy. But, it certainly helps you stay in a much happier place emotionally.  There is a saying about not grumbling and saying "I will be happy when.".... But, being happy as you work your way through whatever you are going through...
I have a lot to be thankful for..... and I plan on focusing on that!
 This might not be a flower... But, I think the flower buds setting on the Dogwood are beautiful. I love there little buds and even when the leaves drop off they provide a neat interest to the tree.
 We were dry for a lot of the summer... Farmers crops failed.... So when the rains started a couple weeks ago everyone was dancing... a dry fall last year and very low snow fall through the winter proceeded the dry spring and summer. Our water tables need all the replenishing they can get. I will not be pouting or holding pity parties for one that its raining... Even when it rains through the night and the temperature's drop below freezing creating not rain droplets on my plants but ICE.....
The plants warmed up when the sun finally broke through and everything perked right back up. Well, not everything. But, for this time of year... I will not complain.. Instead I will see the beauty in the frozen droplets hanging on my grasses.


this is a climbing rose out by the pole barn that continues to bloom and grow.
At the Northeast corner of our house there is new life appearing....
Colours of leaves are stealing the show from the flowers.. beauty is everywhere.
Sedums that were such pale non pleasing dusty pinks are now going a darker red.
Even though the temperatures have been hovering above zero... this just keeps getting better.
Waves of yellow and purples contrasting with the Hostas leaves....some still holding there own colour depending on how protected they are from the trees behind or above them.
Some of the leaves that were red last week have fallen and others are taking the center stage.
This is the same grass that was covered in frozen ice droplets now seeming totally untouched.
Intensity of yellows, oranges and reds seem to change daily... again, I find myself walking the garden when I get home... or sitting out on the deck even with a sweat shirt just to be able to enjoy every minute of this glorious time of year.
Just look at all the colour here even after I've cut back some Sedums that got divided and spread.. I've pulled off some of the seed pods from the butterfly weed to encourage new seedlings in the spring before I go and mulch....
I cleaned up the edges preparing for the mulch giving it a deep trench to hold it on the flower beds and hopefully slow down the grass creeping into the flower beds.
Certainly looking different from this angle now...  But, my eyes see the spring flowering bulbs newly planted and my Inner gardening goddess does back flips at all that I have managed to accomplish and do through out this garden this past summer.  Hopefully, she won't be scowling and tapping her toes with her arms crossed in the spring if it doesn't come out as planned!
I was given two old watering cans... I'm not sure where or how I will use them in the garden at the moment. For now though they sit on a bare spot.
I love this beehive shaped one... Maybe I should sit it where that nest is. JUST in case I didn't get them all and they return next year!
I've loved that this bed somewhat hides the propane tank behind the tall grasses. The viburnum that is growing there will one day be a more solid resting place for the eyes and yet the grasses will grow through the summer and create a wonderful movement with the seed heads in the later part of summer.
This Iris is along the front walk.. It made me a few minutes later getting to work but I just had to collect the evidence!... Hasn't it been just the weirdest year for the plants. I thought my head was all wishy washy with this concussion... But, the plants in my garden have been displaying some real confusion themselves!
Look at the buds on this....
Here's the 20 yards of mulch... waiting... A few of my work colleagues asked if Bear was going to spread it for me.... Would you let someone with self confessed no gardening sense or knowledge of plant materials trample around your flower beds spreading mulch.... is just not happening...
Besides its football season..and who knows what else... Bear, if at home is down in his man cave soaking up all the sports he can... Me, I'd rather be out in the rain digging and dividing and doing what I can before the ground starts to freeze. Bear usually has something hot and warming for when I finally realize I can no longer see and I'm cold!  That's a great trade off in my books. He will also blow out the irrigation and pull the pump from the pond.  Plus, he does the mowing!
I won't be going anywhere near this pile this weekend...But, I will use the time to measure the beds and start drawing out a planting plan of our garden.
I took this just before the freezing rain storm this week... The burning bush dropped its leaves right after..
So, here's all the Autumn colour in my garden for the week of October 19th.
Thanks for dropping by Frog Hollow...
The frogs have all found somewhere warmer it seems... The Mermaid is still hanging out but, I'm sure that even she is thinking of leaving!
Please leave me a comment so I know that you've been. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy whatever it is you are able to do in your gardens this weekend. 


  1. Your Autumn is beautiful and I'm sure the crispness of the chilly air lends to the season. Feel better soon... the mulch can wait.

    1. Thank you Carolyn. I am "trying" to be patient... I've put in so many many hours reclaiming this garden from the overgrown weeds and getting the mulch down once I had it looking so weed free and edged etc was the plan. But, my health has to come first!

  2. Your home and gardens are just beautiful! What fabulous garden color, and great garden design! You mentioned (recently?) closing on your acreage - I have a question. Did you move into this beautiful property with all these stunning gardens in place? These gardens do look mature, and again, very well designed! Lovely!

    1. Hi Beth
      My Husband has lived there for two summers now. I use to come in to visit usually a log weekend a month and spent the entire weekend weeding. The flower beds and water pond etc were all there but the gardens had been sadly negelected with the previous owners for a couple years with a difficult pregnancy and then twins...then a summer of my husband not being able to do anything more then trying to keep up with the lawn with a push mower!.... There was some plant material still there. But, like the Hostas planted in 5 or 7's in straight rows of the same species etc. Not my style.. I have spent the past 7 months digging out weeds and then repositioning plants plus adding way more plants then I would ever admit too to my husband. Although, again I have to admit that I started a lot of perennials in the house last January. I salvaged a lot of really great plants such as the tree peonys, trilliums, plox from a home a lady was going to abandon and then trading a lot of the ornamental grasses. I have given away two pickup loads of the grasses to make room for my other perennials. I've also taken out a lot of plants that I didn't like in certain beds. and have tried to create themes in certain beds etc. I've also added some smaller shrubs and trees. I've also put in around 5 hundred bulbs in all...I've probably averaged about 20 hours a week over the summer. I have a long way to go....But, it is what keeps me happy
      Far cheaper then therapy!.... Plus, the plants do not talk back.....
      Next spring will be interesting to see if what my minds eye see's actually grows... Im sure I will be playing hopscotch again because I've planted some "mixed coloured" bulbs and who knows what will be coming up where.
      Just 6 months of waiting...

  3. Oh my, you havea job to do there. I had a pile like this when I first started my garden. I have the same aversion about letting my husband wild in the garden!
    You have a gorgeous garden, love the colours in the trees.

  4. Thank you Alicia
    I have lots of experience with mulching thanks to years of working as a gardener at the Historical Reader Rock garden in Calgary Alberta and through out the citys other gardens plus taking care of clients gardens... I went for the dark brown to make the foliage and flowers stand out. I don't think there is near enough for all of my garden so Im planning on starting around the house and moving outwards.... I will hopefully be able to get more in the spring and get in on early.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. What an extraordinarily beautiful garden. It certainly looks resplendent in its Autumn colours. I really enjoyed all your photos. In my part of the world such Autumn shows don't happen, so it's always such a special treat to drop by and visit a garden like yours during your lovely Fall season.

  6. Everything looks beautiful! PLEASE go slow so your concussion can heal! Those are nothing to mess with. My daughter had a serious one 2 yrs ago. But I understand your impatience with the mulch. I love mulching and love how finished it makes the garden look.

  7. Your garden is lovely - and it will wait for you to get better - and while you heal, something, somewhere in your garden will grow, or self-seed and inspire you.

    You are doing absolutely the right thing in focussing on the positive - when horrible things happen suddenly, we can be forced to live in the present, which helps us to stop running around thinking about tomorrow and instead we find happiness perhaps where we may have previously overlooked it in our rush to get everything done. I know it's frustrating (I was forced to convalesce this summer - you can cheer yourself up with the state of my weeds (21.09.12... relax... your weeds will never grow this big in the autumn!)

    I wish you the speediest recovery and in the meantime, enjoy designing and let your imagination run free.

  8. Hello Kate, I am so sorry to hear of your accident. I hope you are feeling better every day and you are very wise to wait until you're better to spread all that mulch. I'm still feeling the effects of a tumble down basement stairs almost a year ago. (I'm an oldster tho and tried to do too much work afterward, and that explains why I haven't bounced back entirely.)

    Your gardens are just beautiful; how much acreage do you have? I love the fall, this weekend our weather is just glorious and we've been mortaring on Aaargh. I guess the coming week promises to be wet again, so we have to soak up the sun now.

    Take care, Kate....if the 'pond' wasn't in between us, we could pop over and lend you a hand with that mulch!
