
Monday, January 13, 2014

Do you believe in "signs"......

I use to have a T-shirt that had a cartoon character on it  I want to say it was Calvin from Calvin & Hobbs...with the saying....
"Everyday I am forced to add another name to the list of people who p&%% me off!."
Well last Friday was certainly one of those days... upon having been bombarded from what felt like every direction I did the only thing I could that wasn't going to get me in trouble..... I went home!
Once I brewed a cup of lavender tea...for calmness... I started to water my indoor plants and this is what I was greeted with....

This is "Herk"  He is a Crinium  Lily...
Literally the weekend before I had spoken quite sternly to him that it was time for him to bloom again... But what a surprise to see he had actually heard me!. Now there are a few of you who are shaking your head right about now. I actually did threaten to get rid of him once a year ago for the not blooming etc and with in a week he had shot out a bud that time too! Its amazing how finding this improved my spirits. I will keep you posted as to his growth and progress but if your in a hurry and are really curious you can click here for my previous post titled Herk2
If any of you have any "Herks" I would love to hear about them. I have cut all the top off when it got totally ratty and destroyed by wind and hail out on the deck during the summer. It was the second time I did this. However this past time I obviously cut the top too far down into the succulent part of the bulb which looks like a leek on steroids.. Its been a learn from experience this journey with Herk. I have removed several of his side shoots and have them growing very nicely in their own pots. It shall be a few years I'm sure before they will bloom. I've tried to give them away. No takers! His shear size is enough that most people do not want to take them. I shall be taking them into my offices and letting them grow there I guess till I do find homes for them. 
I'm not saying that I usually go in for "signs".... but, this kind of made me stop and smile and feel a whole lot better. It was like someone saying.. "Buck up kid... its not all bad!" 

Have a wonderful week. 

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